Celebrity Teeth Whitener - Home Remedies Make Tooth Whitening Affordable

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Tooth whitening doesn't have to be expensive; in fact there are several common household items which you can use right now to help you get whiter teeth.
Baking soda, for example, is an age-old whitening remedy that even dentists recommend. Just place some on a toothbrush, or mix it with a little toothpaste to cut the salty taste. Hydrogen peroxide can also help whiten your teeth; just gargle with it for about a minute or apply it to your teeth by rubbing it into the front and back surfaces of your teeth with a cotton bud.

If you have strawberries in your refrigerator, you can also use them to get whiter teeth as they contain natural whitening agents. Rub them against your teeth or mash them and use as a toothpaste. Since they also contain sugar and acids, however, you need to brush with a regular toothpaste immediately afterwards.

These home remedies are effective but will only give you limited results. To get truly whiter teeth, use celebrity teeth whitener Idol White. Idol White is endorsed by some famous reality TV stars in America and according to various consumer reports teeth whitening reviews is said to be among the top best dental tooth whitener products to buy in Canada, USA, UK and Australia.

Unlike dentist-dispensed home tooth bleaching kits, Idol White teeth whitening system is easy to use; simply swish the dispenser pens across your teeth and in minutes, your teeth will look whiter. And with regular use, your teeth will be eight times as white. With a free trial sample of Idol Whitener gel; in two weeks, you'll soon be sporting a dazzling sexy celebrity smile just like those of your famous Idol TV presenters.

To find out how to get Idol White Teeth whitening free trials, all you have to do is visit this site here: Celebrity Teeth Whitener!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fredrick_N._I

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3479961