Teeth Whitening Products That You Can Use For Great Results

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There are many things that can cause stains on your teeth. If you are done with looking at yellow teeth when you smile then you should know that there are many different options of teeth whitening products to help.
You no longer need to rely on having whitening treatments at your dentist's office. From toothpastes to whitening strips and gels, there are much easier ways for you to get a whiter and brighter smile. You don't need to feel self conscious about your smile with all the easy and affordable over the counter options that are on the market today.

Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are coated with peroxide based gels that will produce results within a few days with regular use. You should place the strips on your teeth for 30 minutes two times a day continuously for 2 weeks. A good trick is to wear the bottom strip for 30 minutes and then do the top strip. That way it is easier to keep them on for the full amount of time. You may notice some tooth sensitivity after using whitening strips, so if you already have sensitive teeth then this may not be the best option for you.

Mouthwashes that Whiten Teeth

As a newer option on the market, whitening mouthwashes not only fight bad breath, reduce plaque, and gum disease, but they also contain peroxide to whiten teeth. In order to get the best results from the mouthwash you should swirl it around in your mouth twice a day before brushing your teeth for 1 minute. This option is not best if you are looking for fast results, because it takes up to 12 weeks to get a noticeable difference in the whiteness of your teeth.


The most popular teeth whitening product is by far whitening toothpastes. So many people find that this quick and easy method is the best for them. All toothpastes generally have a light abrasive in them that remove surface stains - that is what gives it the slightly gritty feel. Whitening toothpastes also have a mild chemical or polishing agent that will remove more stains that normal toothpastes cannot. Even though they may have these additional ingredients, whitening toothpastes need to contain a type of bleach to remove stains from the surfaces of teeth. If you wish to lighten the color of your teeth more deeply then you should look for toothpaste that contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

In addition to these whitening methods you can make the effects of teeth whitening easier and longer lasting by cutting out the foods and drinks from your diet that are the culprits of teeth stains. Things such as coffee, tea, red wine, and some vegetable tend to stain teeth and normal brushing cannot always get those stains to go away. If you are a smoker you will notice that these things will also leave your teeth looking yellow.

With all the options of teeth whitening products that are out there, you should choose the one that will best fit your personal needs and the one that you will best be able to make the time for. Of course in addition to using at home teeth whitening products regular visits to the dentist will ensure that your smile will stay white and bright. One of the best is the idol white teeth whitening pen applicator system. It is super easy to apply and super portable, just like a pen in your pocket or purse.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4808952